Dagens Bild!!

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Hej Blogggen!

Asså jag säger en sak till alla er som hatar Selena Gomez!!
Hon har inte gjort något alls!
Jag vet att hon dejtar eran dröm kille men hon är faktiskt mäsklig,
hon har också känslor!
Här kommer några haters bilder och när selena bärettar om det:

Mina andra bilder gick inte att lägga in:(

Vilka håller med?

Kolla in!

Hej Bloggen!

Jag hittade en bild på några kort som Justin&Selena tog på oscarsgalan.

Kolla in var hon gör på ett av korten:

Hon trycker ner honom mot sit bröst.

Justin och Selena:)<33


Justin twittrade nyss till Selena:Omg:! I love and miss u its gunna be fun to go to Cannada:)<3

Ska dom åka till Cannada igen tillsammans?
Men radera det typ 3 minuter efter han postat det!!!
Här är bilder från förra gången:

Justins småsyskon är as söta<33

Bloggen om Justin Bieber! -

Love Jullan<33

Dagens bild!

Hej här är dagens bild:

: Justin kanse ska vara med i en ny film snart!!
Ska se den då<33

Dagens Bild:

Här är Dagens bild:

Rörliga Bilder!!

Några snygga bilder jag hitta på en bieber hemsida:

 The day has FINALLY come, NEVER SAY NEVER is OFFICIALLY out in the UK! Are you excited? I know I sure am. Even if you HATE him, give it a chance&#8230; you never know, your views may change. I&#8217;m seeing the movie in about an hour&#8230; SO. EXCITED. I&#8217;m ready to fall in love all over again. If you&#8217;re seeing it this weekend have fun!

Conan: You meet all of these fans who just start crying&#8230;Justin: I know.Conan: The minute you see them&#8230; How do you deal with that in that moment? What are you trying to do? I mean, does it ever get cra- Does it ever get weird for you where you think &#8216;I don&#8217;t know what to say to this person&#8217; their reaction is so extreme?Justin: Uh&#8230; well, when a girl just cries it&#8217;s just like, like I don&#8217;t know why you&#8217;re crying&#8230; You should be like, happy.. I don&#8217;t know&#8230; smile! Don&#8217;t cry!
 Chelsea: I have a picture of you and Lady Gaga when she was in her meat dress&#8230; now, you look hesitant there.Justin: She went for a hug, and I was like, &#8216;Ohhhhh&#8230; Let&#8217;s just hold up on that, you have meat on you.&#8217;Chelsea: You&#8217;re like, &#8216;I&#8217;m not hungry&#8230;&#8217;Justin: Yeah. I was like, &#8216;Alright you stand here, I&#8217;m gonna come like this&#8230; It was like a really awkward like&#8230;&#8217;Chelsea: What did you like better that meat dress or the egg that she arrived in last night?Justin: I thought both were weird. But I mean&#8230; I don&#8217;t know, people say it&#8217;s artistic&#8230; and stuff, I&#8217;m just like, &#8216;You&#8217;re in an egg&#8230;&#8217; 

Usher: You did not sing for me the first time, but I did tell you something, and what was that?Justin: You told me if it was meant to be, we would meet again.Usher: That&#8217;s right, and now it&#8217;s your time, let&#8217;s go.

Önska det var jag!<33

Ellen: That&#8217;s hard to keep you humble because you&#8217;re so great at everything, I don&#8217;t know how anybody could even&#8230; cause you know, If I was around you all the time I would just be telling you how great you are, I would not be healthy for you. I would just constantly say, &#8220;God, you&#8217;re gorgeous, god you&#8217;re great, god you&#8217;re talented, god you&#8217;re amazing.&#8221;Justin: Thank you. But yeah, you can&#8217;t surround yourself with people who always do that because then you begin believing that stuff, I need people to say &#8216;You shouldn&#8217;t do that&#8217; or &#8216;That wasn&#8217;t good&#8217; or uhm, tell me when I perform that you know, &#8216;You have to work on this&#8230;&#8217; Like, I need that in my life because if I just have people saying that I&#8217;m just so good at everything then&#8230; it&#8217;s just.. I need real people around me. 

Åhh tänk om det kunde vara jag!<33

Hoppas ni gillade dom!!<33

Dagens Bild<33

Jag har tänkt börja med dagens bild!!

Här är dagens bild:

Älskar den här bilden<33


Glada nyheter!
Justin bieber och hans flickvän Selena har
inte gjort slut!<33
Justin&Selena gick till en
radiostadium och

Love you Justin< 33

Tar några till
Dagens bild i

bieber gomez date malibu beach Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Malibu Beach Pictures Sep 23, 2011 2011

Det här var bilder från en dejt som dom var på nyss!

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